Here's a beautiful comment on one of my videos from YouTube that really points directly at THIS:
@eleojay401 • 1 hour ago
Thanks for posting this. Your introduction was very accurate formulated and pretty much pointed to what apparently happened to me for about 17 years ago.
Years prior to this "experience" I had read a couple of books (The Power of Now/ New Earth) by a guy named Eckhart Tolle. In his books he points to the present moment as the gateway to the true self, the "I" beyond the false mind created self. These books helped me to realize that time and the sense of a past and future was an illusion.
17 years ago I was lying on my back in bed, stressed and exhausted, and seemingly out of nowhere I pictured all the young men that stormed the Normandie beach under the 2nd WW. Something "clicked" when there suddenly was something "within me" that recognized that not only were there no one on that beach, but it never happened. What followed was the recognition that everything I had ever experienced was a mirage ..... it wasnt real. It never happened.
What happened next is impossible to describe. The sense of being a person disappeared, and all of the tension/ contraction in my body vanished, like a billion strings were cut over, and my body felt like it was floating above the bed. There was only "this"; no person, no sense of being separate, no "me" .... only the moment. There was no movement, nowhere to go ..... there was nothing happening.
It took me 10 seconds to realize that the laughter I heard was apparently made by me.
I have never laughed like that before.
For the first time in my life ( its not my life, off course .... just life) something knew that there has always been this moment, just "what is", and that everything else is an artificial reality.
"What is" can never be known, because then "we" would have to go outside of "what is" and look in, which is impossible.
There really is no separate individual, and only in the "dream" of being a separate entity is there a past, a now and a future, and an experience of there being a prior cause to what apparently is happening right now.
There is no you going anywhere. "What is" doesnt move. Only the illlusory "me" has somewhere to go ..... to make this moment more satisfying.
"What is" is nothing appearing as something that communicates with itself.
This is so obvious, but the separate individual can never understand this.
..... so it continues its apparent hopeless journey to understand what it can never get.
The immediate "now" is freedom!
Another live episode here without ads for Locals! We touch on a BUNCH of stuff, including Trump's transition, possible FDA appointments, RFK Jr., letters we've gotten about reproductive rights, was Harris or her team afraid to have her go on Rogan, a deep dive into COVID infection fatality rate and what to do about vaccines, and MUCH more. As always, audio version can be found wherever you get your podcasts!
Yesterday's Sunday Zen! PS here it is ad-free for the Locals fam, or if you prefer, here's the YouTube link
An Irish Times article today raising the alarm for whooping cough and measles infections increasing. Childhood vaccinations down. The article is shared on Facebook and the comments section harps straight back to Covid vaccines. Makes me sad and also makes me think of that old saying - 'You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink' - I see another message on that old saying now - 'you shouldn't make it drink' just be patient. Feels like that old Covid Horse got dragged to the water, had her head plunged into it and nearly drowned so now she's scared of the water. I hope one day we can get past this. Be patient, I guess.
I had the privilege of listening to a man’s final breaths and heartbeats yesterday. It was my first time being there as someone died. He was going to go home on hospice services and I was there for that. My soul knew he was going. His granddaughter was also there, having just flown in from the mainland. I think he was waiting for her. He went quietly and gently. I was meant to be there, for both of them. Profound.